Common questions
Suggest a questionStore Owners
- How can I open a store on Cubebrush?
- What are the payout options?
- Important Tax Information
- How am I notified of a sale?
- How much do I make on each sale?
- What are the payment options?
- How do I delete a saved credit card?
- Why do I see a $1 charge on my card?
- What is my library?
- How do I get a receipt or invoice?
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I edit my account information?
- How do I close my account?
- What are the notifications about?
- Where do I change the email notifications settings?
General Questions
- What is Cubebrush about?
- Who is Cubebrush for?
- How do I give feedback and suggestions?
- How do I report a bug?
- How do I report a user?